BEST4Hy at the PACC-FMAs in panama

Nearly 100 participants from 26 countries met July 24–28, 2022, in Panama City, Panama, for the inaugural Pan American Ceramics Congress (PACC) combined with the Ferroelectrics Meeting of Americas (FMAs). Originally scheduled for July 2020, PACC-FMAs was rescheduled to this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

PACC-FMAs brought together a wide variety of experts from academia, industries, research institutes, and laboratories to discuss the current state-of-the-art and various technical challenges in research, development, engineering, manufacturing, and application of ceramic and glass materials. The conference’s collegial atmosphere provided the perfect forum for information exchange on the current status and emerging trends for various technologies in the Americas.

Below, Prof. Sonia Fiorilli during her talk: 'Optimized Strategies for the Recovery of Critical Raw Materials from end-of-life Solid Oxide Cells’ in the session Fuel, Oxide Cells and Similar Topics.

The pictures hereunder report Prof. Sonia Fiorilli Sonia Prof. Federico Smeacetto with Dr. Mrityunjay Singh Chief Scientist at Ohio Aerospace Institute, Cleveland, OH and Mark Mecklenborg, Executive Director and Publisher of the American Ceramic Society. Below, the POLITO Professors with Henry Colorado, director of the CCComposites Lab (cements, ceramics and composites) at Universidad de Antioquia in Medellin, Colombia and Colombian chair of the conference.