The pandemic situation that has hit the world in the last two years has made us understand the importance of scientific research applied to medicine and how new technologies, materials and systems are necessary to quickly find new therapies and develop patient-specific solutions.

For this reason, the Biofabrication Conference 2022 wants, even more, to mark the importance of Biofabrication and Bioprinting in this area, opening our boundaries and integrating our expertise with all the scientific realities, for truly impactful research and a new leap in quality.

The conference aims at bringing together leading academic scientists and researchers to exchange and share their know-how and results on all aspects of Biofabrication, as is reflected in the thematic sessions, as well as 5 plenaries.

Oral presentations by Prof. Chiara Vitale-Brovarone, Prof. Sonia Fiorilli and Dr. Giorgia Montalbano will present the latest results obtained in the frame of H2020 GIOTTO and ERC BOOST Projcts. In addition, Eng. Ilaria Corvaglia will provide an overview of her PhD work through a Poster Presentation.