IRIS GROUP at ESB2021 conference

The motto of ESB2021 conference is “Futuring Biomaterials”, as a challenge to our community to explore biomaterials in conjunction with advanced technologies, such as Nanotechnology, Biofabrication, Microfluidics and Bioimaging to develop the clinical combination products and functionalities of the future. 

The most recent results obtained in the frame of ERC BOOST and GRACE projects were illustrated in the following contributions: 

  • Giorgia Montalbano, PhD: "Assessment of collagen-based bioactive scaffolds with human osteoblast and osteoclast indirect co-culture systems"
  • Prof.ssa Chiara Vitale-Brovarone: "Development of a composite Type I Collagen/PLGA_TGF- β1 nanoparticles 3D printed scaffold mimicking the growth factor footprint of human bone tissue"